December 5, 2018
Psychology Building, Room 217
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2018-12-05 11:00:00
2018-12-05 12:00:00
fMRI Safety Training Class
fMRI Safety Training classes are required for all personnel planning to enter the fMRI suite for the purposes of conducting research. Personnel must complete Basic MRI Safety Training; which will be done on-site by CCBBI staff and consists of a presentation that includes viewing of a Siemens safety video. This format will give individuals a chance to ask questions and get answers to any concerns that they might have. Initial training also includes a familiarization with the facility and an introduction to CCBBI policy and procedures. Safety Training must be renewed each year. Please email the CCBBI fMRI Technologist, Deborah Hardesty, for more information on safety training classes.
Psychology Building, Room 217
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2018-12-05 11:00:00
2018-12-05 12:00:00
fMRI Safety Training Class
fMRI Safety Training classes are required for all personnel planning to enter the fMRI suite for the purposes of conducting research. Personnel must complete Basic MRI Safety Training; which will be done on-site by CCBBI staff and consists of a presentation that includes viewing of a Siemens safety video. This format will give individuals a chance to ask questions and get answers to any concerns that they might have. Initial training also includes a familiarization with the facility and an introduction to CCBBI policy and procedures. Safety Training must be renewed each year. Please email the CCBBI fMRI Technologist, Deborah Hardesty, for more information on safety training classes.
Psychology Building, Room 217
fMRI Safety Training classes are required for all personnel planning to enter the fMRI suite for the purposes of conducting research. Personnel must complete Basic MRI Safety Training; which will be done on-site by CCBBI staff and consists of a presentation that includes viewing of a Siemens safety video. This format will give individuals a chance to ask questions and get answers to any concerns that they might have. Initial training also includes a familiarization with the facility and an introduction to CCBBI policy and procedures. Safety Training must be renewed each year.
Please email the CCBBI fMRI Technologist, Deborah Hardesty, for more information on safety training classes.