Dr. Heidi Jacobs
Associate Professor of Radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School and visiting Associate Professor at Maastricht University (Netherlands).
She directs the Jacobs Lab with a focus on improving the early detection and treatment of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease by targeting the initial brain sites of pathology, the neuromodulatory subcortical systems. She is co-leader within the Harvard Aging Brain Study. Heidi Jacobs was trained in Biological psychology in the Netherlands, worked for several years in a clinical setting as a psychotherapist and neuropsychologist in Belgium, and in 2011 obtained her PhD in clinical neuroscience in the Netherlands. After her postdoctoral training in Germany she received the prestigious VENI-independence award to start her own lab. Dr. Jacobs has published over 130 peer-reviewed research articles and received the de Leon Neuroimaging award for the best neuroimaging paper of 2021 and the International Junior Investigator award from the International College of Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology.
Title: Focus on the locus coeruleus to detect pre-preclinical Alzheimer’s disease
Abstract: Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by a long asymptomatic stage during which the two pathologic hallmarks, beta-amyloid and tau depositions, accumulate, lead to neurodegeneration and the manifestation of clinical symptoms. Being able to effectively delay disease progression will require early intervention, before irreversible damage has occurred. The critical barrier that needs to be resolved to obtain more success in preventive interventions is to find a biomarker that does not measure end-stage pathology, but precedes Aβ and early tau pathology and can predict who is expected to show an increase in Alzheimer’s disease pathology and a decrease in cognition over the following years. Autopsy data reported deposition of hyperphosphorylated tau pathology in the locus coeruleus early in adulthood and before cortical involvement. This indicates that the locus coeruleus may be a promising early marker of risk of Alzheimer’s disease. During this talk, I will provide evidence from structural and functional in vivo imaging of the locus coeruleus supporting locus coeruleus imaging as potential marker of pre-preclinical Alzheimer’s disease.