New Equipment Inquiries and Proposals

Status message

Appendix IX

Guidelines for Submissions of Requests for

New Equipment Inquiries and Proposals

to the Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Brain Imaging


How to Apply for New Equipment Approval
The CCBBI strongly recommends submitting the “New Equipment Inquiry” form before purchasing any equipment for use at the center. 

To use equipment already purchased (with or without the approval of the CCBBI), the “New Equipment Proposal” form must be completed. Please note that the center is under no obligation to approve any piece of equipment, and we strongly recommend submitting the “New Equipment Inquiry” form before anything is purchased. 

If you prefer to fill out a PDF application form, please send a request to 


Personnel Costs
Please note that the CCBBI will charge an hourly rate for the time needed to set up and/or test equipment. However, if the equipment being set up or tested is available for use by the broader CCBBI community (as opposed to only being available for use by its purchasing PI), then the center may waive the hourly rate. 


Review Criteria and Process
The forms will be reviewed by the CCBBI’s technical committee who will then submit their recommendation to the CCBBI Director for approval. Review criteria will include, in part: 
• Compatibility with current center equipment/resources.
• Feasibility of storing the equipment if needed.
• Ability for the equipment to be utilized by other labs.
• The time needed to set up and return the equipment to storage.

Technical Committee Composition 

Zeynep Saygin, Associate Professor, College of Arts and Sciences (Chair)

Xiangrui Li, Assistant Director, CCBBI

Julie Golomb, Professor, College of Arts and Sciences 

Ivy Tso, Associate Professor, College of Medicine

Zitong Lu, Graduate Student, College of Arts and Sciences 

James Teng, Graduate Student, College of Arts and Sciences 


Status message

New Equipment Inquiry

The purpose of this form is to help researchers who are considering purchasing equipment to use at the CCBBI to select devices and vendors that will be compatible with pre-existing CCBBI space and equipment. Please fill out this inquiry prior to purchasing any equipment as we cannot guarantee that any purchased equipment will be approved for use at the CCBBI. 

If you prefer to fill out a PDF form, please send a request to


Status message

Proposal for New Equipment to be used with the Scanner

We strongly encourage researchers to contact the CCBBI before purchasing new equipment or applying for funding to purchase new equipment. After purchasing new equipment, please fill out this form in collaboration with CCBBI staff and provide as much detail as possible about the equipment, safety concerns, and space needs. Please note that completing this form does not guarantee that the equipment will be approved for use at the CCBBI.


In addition to New Equipment Proposal Form, please upload a 1-to-3-page report that summarizes the uses of the new equipment and any potential safety issues. The report must contain the following sections: 

a. Scientific use case for the new equipment. Experimenter familiarity with the equipment. 

b. Description of setup, protocol for use, and teardown of the new equipment. In addition, please attach any guides you intend to use for lab staff to train/guide lab staff to use the equipment (i.e., checklists, step by step guides, etc.). 

c. Description of research staff training required to use the equipment. 

d. Description of equipment ownership and sharing (i.e., if shared with center, who is responsible for training new users, who is responsible for repairs/maintenance and associated costs). 

e. Description of potential safety issues (if any) for the participant or CCBBI staff. Potential for equipment to interfere with scanner acquisition or regular procedures at the CCBBI (i.e., induce distortion, conductive loops in wiring, RF burns, participant discomfort, increased wear and tear on scanner equipment). Include how these will be mitigated. 

f. Please attach any documentation for the equipment (manuals, safety data, brochures) that you think will be useful to the CCBBI technical committee.

Upload requirements