How to Use the CCBBI Scanner Calendar

To reserve time on the scanner, first check the Scanner Calendar for availability and then schedule a timeslot by setting up a meeting in your Outlook calendar, with as a Required attendee. See details below.


1. View Events on the Scanner Calendar

Follow this link to view events on the Scanner Calendar in a web browser

Alternatively, the Scanner Calendar can be viewed in your OSU name.# Outlook account by adding to your Shared Calendars folder

2. Schedule a Timeslot on the Scanner Calendar

Please note: Any event added to the Scanner Calendar will be billed to your PI, unless it is cancelled 48 hours in advance. 

Please ensure there is a 15-minute gap between studies when scheduling. This interval is crucial for a smooth transition between experiments, allowing time to clean the MRI suite and prepare for the next session, including setting up ancillary equipment.

To reserve time on the scanner calendar, create a new Meeting in your Outlook Calendar and add +ASC-PSY CCBBI Scanner or as a Required attendee.

  • The Title of the meeting must start with the PI's last name, followed by the Exam Card. This format is critical since it is not only viewed by humans but also used by computer code.
  • The Required attendee must include You may also include lab personnel or your lab's email as additional attendees if applicable.
  • In the Meeting Body, include the participant's email. If you would like to store a lab subject ID into the DICOM data, you can add it here in the form of ID:###. The computer code detects ID followed by colon and non-space ID number. Notes or additional information you would like to share with the scanner operator or experimenters should be added to the Body. 
  • Set the Start Time and End Time for your experiment
  • If parking is needed, added Parking needed in the Location field. The default parking time is from 30 minutes prior to 30 minutes after your MRI time. Or, you can specific a duration, like Parking 1:30 to 4:00. If you are not sure if parking is needed, leave it out and you can add it later. The parking pass will be available for you to pick up one day before your reserved timeslot in the Intake Room (Psychology Building Room 24).

3. Create a Reminder Template

We recommend that you create a reminder template that the Scanner Calendar can email the participant details about the scan date and a link to the MRI Screen Form.  Here is an example:

This is a reminder for your MRI experiment starting at MRIDateTime-15. The session will last X hours. Please fill out the MRI Screening Form using the link below before you arrive for your session:


We will see you on DayOfWeek in Room 24 of the Psychology Building. Please give us a call at xxx-xxx-xxxx when you arrive.

Your name or lab name

Feel free to edit the text to fit your needs (e.g., the place to meet the participant, etc.) but please include the bolded keywords in the example (MRIFormLink, MRIDate, MRITime, DayOfWeek) so the template will be same for all participants. The -15 in the example means you are asking the participant to arrive 15 minutes before the MRI time. For example, if the MRI starting time is 9AM, July 1, "MRIDateTime-15" will be shown as "8:45, July 01" in the reminder email.

Save the template as a file named ReminderToParticipant_myStudy.docx, where "myStudy" can be any identifier for your study, and attach it to your Meeting. Note that you need to attach it only once for a study, and the Scanner Calendar will use it for all participants in the same study. You only need to attach the template again if you want to update the template for the study. The scanner will use the latest template.

Before you click the Send button, you can optionally uncheck Request Response, Allow New Time Proposal, and Allow Forwarding under Attendee -> Response Options.

The participant, you as the Organizer, and other invited attendees, will receive the remainder email with the MRI Screen Form link 24 hours before the event. If you did not incldue the participant's email in the Body, you will need to forward the automated email to your participant. After the participant completes the screening form, all attendees will receive an email notice.

If you have only the participant's cell phone number, you may ask for the cell phone carrier and construct an email address like (i.e., 10-digit-number@domain), and the participant will receive the email as a text message. Here are the domain names for common US carriers:





Virgin Mobile:

Note that the Attendees and Body fields of an event are not visible to other users.

4. Updating or Canceling an Event

Users do not have direct access to the scanner calendar. You will update the Meeting event in your own Outlook Calendar and Outlook will update it on the Scanner Calendar accordingly since the scanner is an attendee.

To make any change to an event, open it in your calendar and update it as needed. For example, if you want to add or update a parking request, edit the Location field accordingly. If your original participant cannot make it and you find another participant, you can update the participant email in the Body.

To cancel an event, open the event in your calendar, and request cancellation by Actions -> Cancel Meeting -> Send Cancellation. You will receive a notice indicating the cancellation request is either approved or declined. The event will be removed from the scanner calendar only when the request is approved. If an experimenter other than the event Organizer wants to request the cancellation, an email can be sent to, specifying the date and time of the event.

5.Opt in to receive cancellation notices

To receive a notice when a lab cancels within 7 days of their scheduled event, send an email to with Subject "Register cancellation notice."