Emergency alert message

Ohio State Columbus campus in-person classes canceled Jan. 6 for weather. Instructors scheduled to teach in-person should consider synchronous instruction or activities, where feasible. For early morning classes, or in situations where synchronous instruction is not feasible, asynchronous learning is encouraged, including in cases where instructors have not shared a continuity plan with students. In-person classes are expected to resume on Tuesday, January 7. MORE: emergency.osu.edu

Appendix I

Updated 01/09/2024

Appendix I - CCBBI Membership


CCBBI is an interdisciplinary Center that values collaborations with other departments, centers, and colleges at Ohio State. We warmly welcome faculty, students, and staff members from all academic domains to apply for the use of our extensive services and resources. To become a part of CCBBI, please complete the CCBBI Fellow Application, CCBBI Affiliate Application, or CCBBI Trainee Application and submit it to ccbbi.service@osu.edu.


CCBBI Fellow

Eligibility: All tenure-track faculty members within the College of Arts & Sciences at The Ohio State University whose tenure initiating unit (TIU) is in this college and who maintain an active neuroimaging lab. An active neuroimaging lab is defined in one of three ways: 1) the faculty member is a core member of the cognitive neuroscience program in the Department of Psychology, 2) holds an externally funded grant where they serve as the Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-PI utilizing CCBBI scanner resources, or 3) has authored at least two papers in the last year as a senior author, utilizing MRI.

Tenure-track members with a TIU outside the College of Arts & Sciences are eligible for CCBBI Fellow status if they serve as Chair of one of the CCBBI committees and are extensively engaged in service activities at the Center. In such instances, the CCBBI Fellow status remains valid for a four-year period, contingent upon the faculty member's ongoing participation in center activities.

As a CCBBI Fellow, faculty commit to attending the CCBBI Users’ Meetings (the first Friday of each month), CCBBI Town Hall, and CCBBI Research Day. Additionally, they commit to being an active member of the Center by participating in Center activities, such as giving talks, sending representatives to outreach events, and serving as an ADNiR mentor.


Scheduling, Study Approval, and Rate Policies for CCBBI Fellows

Scheduling: CCBBI Fellows will have full access to the scheduling calendar, and will be allowed to schedule scans during business hours and off-business hours following the policies outlined in Appendix VI. The Center has a policy of not scheduling more than 8 hours per study but if additional hours are needed for a particular study, please email Assistant Director, Dr. Xiangrui Li, at ccbbi.service@osu.edu for approval. 

New Study Approval: Review of new, funded studies for CCBBI Fellows will be prioritized. Within these studies, we will prioritize studies for which the Center has provided a support letter. 

Rates: CCBBI Fellows in the ASC will be charged $550 per hour for their studies. CCBBI will not charge indirect costs on externally funded grants. CCBBI Fellows will be asked to include CCBBI in the ePA005 for proportional award allocation.


CCBBI Affiliate

Eligibility: All faculty members and research scientists at The Ohio State University not meeting the criteria of a CCBBI Fellow and interested in using the services of CCBBI are eligible to apply for CCBBI Affiliate Status. CCBBI Affiliates are expected to actively contribute by serving on center committees, participating in the center’s ADNiR program as mentors, and attending and engaging with external speakers invited for the CCBBI Talk Series. CCBBI Affiliate status will be renewed every three years with priority given to faculty members who have played an active role in center operations and management. 

As a CCBBI Affiliate, faculty commit to attending the CCBBI Users’ Meetings (the first Friday of each month), CCBBI Town Hall, and CCBBI Research Day. They additionally commit to being an active member of the center by participating in center activities, such as giving talks, sending representatives to outreach events, and serving as an ADNiR mentor.

Scheduling, Study Approval, and Rate Policies for CCBBI Affiliates:

Scheduling: CCBBI Affiliates are permitted to reserve up to four hours per week per faculty member. An additional four hours may be added, on a weekly basis, to the upcoming week on the preceding Friday, for a maximum of 8 hours per week. These policies will be applied to all ongoing and new studies at the Center. It is important to note that these additional hours can only be scheduled during regular business hours and not during off-hours.

New Study Approval: Evaluation of new, funded study applications for CCBBI Affiliates will commence after the approval of study requests from CCBBI Fellows. Priority within these studies will be given to those for which the Center has issued a support letter.

Rates: CCBBI Affiliates will be charged $550 per hour for their studies. CCBBI will not charge indirect costs on externally funded grants. CCBBI Affiliates will be asked to include CCBBI in the ePA005 for proportional award allocation.


CCBBI Trainees

Eligibility: All postdoctoral scholars, research associates, graduate students, and undergraduate students at Ohio State with an interest in studying and utilizing neuroimaging techniques are eligible to apply for CCBBI Trainee Status. CCBBI Trainees will have the opportunity to conduct data collection at the Center, receive priority registration at workshops and seminars organized by the Center, and qualify for awards and initiatives sponsored by the Center.